Wednesday 5 September 2012


Whilst some girls had a very clear vision of what they wanted to create, I wasn’t sure what I was going to produce. I was leaning towards the idea of a light installation, using sheer fabrics. My initial idea, was to mask a zig zag print on a sheer fabric and have a thicker block printed fabric to sit behind it. 

My team was Jo and Hannah. 

We sat down with Akib and Aprajita, for an informal chat. 

I asked what is one of the biggest challenges he faces. He said getting work, being paid adequately for the work is hard. He mentioned that his block printing designs have on occasion been stolen from him. This occurs when he sends out to get his block manufactured. Before he can start printing, somebody has already produced his prints. This is why he is learning to carve the blocks himself. 

During the meeting, an opportunity arose for us to get blocks with our own design carved. This would either be sourced in Delhi, or to Akib’s block maker in Gujarat.

1 comment:

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